New Year's Resolutions (That Have Nothing To Do With Weight Loss)

Happy New Year! As we enter 2025, resolution season is upon us (or happening). From social media, media ads, pop-ups, news reports, and people we engage with daily, we are sure to hear about resolutions. About half of adults in the US will make a New Year's resolution this January, but very few people will be able to see those resolutions through. One study found that only 4% of those people will achieve their goals. There is a lot to unpack here, but first, what are people's most common goals?

The most common New Year's resolution? Weight loss and exercise. Other top goals include traveling more, saving money, and learning a new skill. The weight loss and exercise goals are probably not shocking to most of you. Most of these are "quick fixes" to lose weight, which is deemed as "healthy" and will also solve body image struggles and one's relationship with food. But here is the truth: it isn't just around New Year's that weight loss resolutions tend to fail.  Diets largely "fail" 365 days of the whole year. Diets can actually cause harm. The cycle of temporarily losing weight because of a restrictive diet and then gaining it all back (plus more in some cases) damages your metabolism, overall health, and relationship with food/body. When it comes down to it, it's the same exhausting thing every year. 

2024 may have been a challenging year for many for many different reasons. While I don't know much for sure about what 2025 will bring, I can say one thing with certainty: The last thing we need now is pressure from diet culture to start this year off with weight loss. So, with this in mind, here are some counterculture resolutions.

New Year's Resolutions That Have Nothing to Do With Your Weight

1. Self-Care

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to commit to self-care, whatever that may look like for you. Make it a priority and schedule the time. If it is not daily, make it a priority a couple of times a week. Some examples (and some of my favorites) include journaling, reading, yoga, calling a loved one, crafts, getting some fresh air, listening to music, podcasts, painting/coloring, cuddling with a pet, and rest.

2. Find a New Hobby

Always been interested in painting or knitting? Buy the paint brushes or needles. Get the paint and yarn. Give it a go. Hobbies are important to our mental health and emotional well-being. Find something to lose yourself in. 

3. Keep a gratitude journal

Write down one thing you are grateful for at the end of each day. One sentence. That's all this takes. The life-changing benefits of gratitude can have a wealth of benefits and improve your emotional well-being. Practicing gratitude is a muscle, just like other habits—it will take work and commitment, but it becomes easier over time. It is worth a try!

4. Limit social media time 

As much as social media enables us to connect with other people, it can also be detrimental to our mental health. It can be helpful to make a point of intentionally disconnecting at regular intervals and tuning in to what is happening in the room around you. While you're at it, you might want to unfollow any accounts that no longer serve you, whether they are influencers, people who promote toxic positivity, those you compare yourself to, or beyond.

5. Develop a Nighttime Ritual

Nighttime routines have been shown to positively impact our quality of sleep and overall mood. Now is a great opportunity to evaluate your sleep habits and make small changes that can help you get a proper amount of sleep as well as high-quality sleep. Ideally, most people should get seven to nine hours of restful sleep every night, though individuals' needs vary. If you have trouble falling asleep, it may help to create a better environment for sleeping. Some suggestions include: limiting screen time before bed (I know it is tempting, but research indicates that using screens late at night can disrupt sleep and getting restful sleep.), a skincare routine, reading a book of your choosing, yoga/stretching, listening to soothing music or a nighttime meditation, or enjoying a hot cup of tea and journaling. Your optimal routine/ritual is going to be completely individualized and unique. It just needs to work for YOU. 

6. Find a therapist

Many people can benefit from therapy—not just people with mental health disorders or problems they need to work through. Therapy can help provide you with insight, helpful coping strategies, and an opportunity to talk through various issues, questions, or doubts.

And as I tell my clients, don't forget to treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion as you would a loved one.

Regardless of what New Year's resolutions you choose, it can be helpful to approach them in the new year with self-compassion and patience. You are doing your best at whatever point of your journey you're on. If you make a mistake or slip up, treat yourself with kindness and forgiveness. Think about how you might react to a friend in a similar situation. Chances are, you would encourage them to be gentle with themself and to avoid blame and shame. 

Are you feeling like you need someone to talk to? Interested in giving therapy a try? Worried about the New Year and creating new goals/resolutions? Give us a call today at 217-203-2008 or send an email to schedule an appointment.

Resources to learn more:

Anti-Diet. Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being, and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating. By: Christy Harrison.

Blog Disclaimer: is an informational site. The resources on this site are provided for informational purposes only, and should not be used to replace the specialized training and professional judgment of a health care or mental health care professional.

Champaign Counseling LLC cannot be held responsible for the use of the information provided. Please always consult a trained mental health professional before making any decision regarding treatment of yourself or others.

Self-help information and information from the Internet is useful, but it is not a substitute for professional assistance. Please seek professional help immediately:

  • if you have thoughts of killing (or otherwise harming) yourself or others

  • if you are gravely disabled (unable to care for yourself);

  • if you are abusing substances;

  • or if you or someone else is in any danger of harm.

The sole purpose of the blog is to offer resources and information to those dealing with mental health issues. We cannot, and will not, assume the role of your physician or therapist.

If you are experiencing an emergency, please contact 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.


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