Anxiety - 5 Lesser Known Ways It Might be Affecting You

Written By: Emily Beck

June 21, 2024

What is anxiety?

Often, this word conjures an image of someone wringing their hands while they worry about an issue in their life. A child has missed curfew or maybe their thoughts are racing about an upcoming exam. In reality, anxiety can take on a variety of manifestations and outcomes.

Some of the more common physical symptoms include stomach issues and headaches. Emotional symptoms can include excessive worry, obsessive thoughts, and even panic. These are certainly not the only symptoms. How do you know if you or a loved one might be suffering from anxiety?

Here are some of the lesser known ways anxiety might be affecting you:

  1. Stomach problems. We always recommend that you seek out medical advice first, as it can be dangerous to assume that your stomach issues are solely anxiety based. If you’re feeling uneasy, this can affect your stomach, big time. Nausea, diarrhea, changes in appetite, all of these things can be a part of an anxious mind. 

  2. Sleep problems.  Anxiousness activates your fight or flight response. If you’re constantly in a heightened state, your body has a more difficult time settling down to go to sleep. This can cause insomnia. On the other hand, that same intense state can also be exhausting, which can cause fatigue or excessive sleep. 

  3. Irritability- People who suffer from anxiety can feel irritable a lot of the time. Just existing with constant concerns can use a tremendous amount of emotional energy. This can cause people to not have the patience that they might normally have. 

  4. Social isolation- Anxiety can manifest as a fear of social situations. A person with excess worry might think about every tiny detail of a social engagement and how they could have interacted differently. They might feel so embarrassed about something they said to the point that they try to avoid talking to other people for fear of saying something else embarrassing. 

  5. Procrastination- Have you ever felt so worried about a task that you avoided doing said task at all possible costs? This can be an indication of anxiety. This becomes a problem when it starts to affect someone’s school or work. If you notice that your grades are slipping or you are not doing your job affectively due to fear of starting the task at hand, this could be due to anxiety. 

Everyone has some of these symptoms some of the time.

Anxiousness is part of the normal and healthy range of human emotion, and having a fear response is designed to keep us safe. It becomes a problem when it starts to affect your daily life, such as your health, relationships, work, or school.

So what do you do about anxiety when you notice it?

There are lots of effective treatments that can help. This includes, but is not limited to therapy, medication, and group support. Recognizing that you might be suffering from excess worry is the first step to feeling better. 

If you think you might be suffering from anxiety. We, at Champaign Counseling, are here to help.  To schedule an appointment with one of expert therapists, please call our office at 217-203-2008.,of%20developing%20an%20anxiety%20disorder

Blog Disclaimer is an informational site. The resources on this site are provided for informational purposes only, and should not be used to replace the specialized training and professional judgment of a health care or mental health care professional.

Champaign Counseling LLC cannot be held responsible for the use of the information provided. Please always consult a trained mental health professional before making any decision regarding treatment of yourself or others.

Self-help information and information from the Internet is useful, but it is not a substitute for professional assistance. Please seek professional help immediately:

  • if you have thoughts of killing (or otherwise harming) yourself or others;

  • if you are gravely disabled (unable to care for yourself);

  • if you are abusing substances;

  • or if you or someone else is in any danger of harm.

The sole purpose of the blog is to offer resources and information to those dealing with mental health issues. We cannot, and will not, assume the role of your physician or therapist.

If you are experiencing an emergency, please contact 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.


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