Teamwork in Mental Health: The Key to Better Care
Champaign Counseling Champaign Counseling

Teamwork in Mental Health: The Key to Better Care

Collaborative care is more than sharing views; it’s about improving the treatment process by including several different diverse insights and expertise. It’s a team and collective effort where, for example, a therapist’s understanding can broaden a psychiatrist’s view and vice versa.

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The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adulthood
Champaign Counseling Champaign Counseling

The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adulthood

Trauma is an emotional reaction to a significant event that can happen once with intensity, a series of significant events that may have varied intensity and be ongoing, or a combination of both. Trauma affects our interconnected systems physically, emotionally, socially, and intellectually.

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First Responders Need Support, Too
Champaign Counseling Champaign Counseling

First Responders Need Support, Too

We often look at physical health and mental health as different, but they are not. If you break your arm, you go to the doctor and eventually heal. If you suffer from PTSD, depression, anxiety, or any other mental health issue, you may suffer in silence, have feelings of shame or guilt, and not seek help due to fear and/or the stigma.

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What is EMDR for Trauma? How Can It Help Me?
Champaign Counseling Champaign Counseling

What is EMDR for Trauma? How Can It Help Me?

EMDR for trauma is a type of psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of trauma or adversities such as issues of abuse, bullying, domestic violence, grief, abandonment, and attachment wounds.

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You’ve Heard of Fight or Flight… But What About Freeze?
Champaign Counseling Champaign Counseling

You’ve Heard of Fight or Flight… But What About Freeze?

Fight, Flight, and Freeze are the three responses that are biological instincts to protect us when our lives are in danger. However, what we find sometimes is that we experience fight, flight, or freeze even when there is not a threat to our lives.

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