Limit or Permit?: A Parents’ Guide for Monitoring Social Media
Champaign Counseling Champaign Counseling

Limit or Permit?: A Parents’ Guide for Monitoring Social Media

Having a conversation with your kids about online safety rules is a crucial step.  This will help your kids grow up using social media wisely. This post is intended to act as a guideline for parents who share some of these questions about when to limit or permit their kids’ online activity. 

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Learning From Failure
Champaign Counseling Champaign Counseling

Learning From Failure

The reality is failure is an inevitable part of life.  Allowing children to fail early and often when they have your support prepares them to deal with failures as a teen and adult.  But in a world where there is so much pressure on kids to succeed, as parents, it can be difficult to allow them to fail. 

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Talking to Teens About Mental Health
Champaign Counseling Champaign Counseling

Talking to Teens About Mental Health

Ask questions. It is okay to be direct when it comes to checking in with mental health, it sends a message you take this topic seriously. It is also okay to bring mental health up in a roundabout way. You can bring up an article you recently read or discuss well-known individuals such as Simone Biles and Harry Miller who are making their mental health a priority.

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School Refusal
Champaign Counseling Champaign Counseling

School Refusal

School refusal is different from truancy. Children who are truant refuse to go to school because they want to do something else. They will often concoct elaborate schemes to avoid going to school. However, school refusal is related to anxiety about situations or expectations at school.

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Emotional Co-Regulation
Champaign Counseling Champaign Counseling

Emotional Co-Regulation

The really amazing thing about mirror neurons is that you can use your mirror neurons to help your child when they are struggling to regulate their own emotions. If you stay calm in situations which are causing your child distress (ie frustration, anxiety, fear, anger, etc) and maintain a supportive presence, your child will essentially “catch” your calm.

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Protecting Yourself From Second-Hand Anxiety
Champaign Counseling Champaign Counseling

Protecting Yourself From Second-Hand Anxiety

It is important to protect yourself from second-hand anxiety because chronic stress can lead to long-term health problems. In addition, as a parent, you are not helping your child if you are taking on their anxiety.

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Raising Body Positive Kids
Champaign Counseling Champaign Counseling

Raising Body Positive Kids

Our culture is not just unfair, but in many cases dehumanizing, to people living in larger bodies. That’s the actual problem, not people’s bodies themselves. But in trying to spare our children’s pain and stigma by directing them to eat a certain way, especially amidst the forceful and persistent cultural focus on childhood weight, we unknowingly point kids toward a risky and unproductive path for their health and relationship with food and their bodies. It is a lot- so much of parenting is. But even though you can’t change what your kids will be exposed to (since diet culture is everywhere) you can change what’s happening in the home.

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A Guide for Parents to Support Children’s Mental Health
Champaign Counseling Champaign Counseling

A Guide for Parents to Support Children’s Mental Health

As parents, we play an important role in shaping their emotional well-being but it can be hard to know where to start. This blog post will provide practical tips about how parents can actively support and create a positive mental health environment for their children.

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How To Help Kids When Big Emotions Happen
Champaign Counseling Champaign Counseling

How To Help Kids When Big Emotions Happen

When individuals are struggling with emotional regulation, their emotions feel very out of control to them. In young children, this can look like throwing tantrums, refusal behaviors and excessive worrying. Struggling to regulate emotions is pretty common, even us adults struggle with it at times. However, it is pretty easy to teach kids skills which help them to regulate their emotions.

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